Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My First Snow

Mommy took me up to see Grandmum & Pap Pap for the MLK holiday.
It started snowing before we left home and continued for our whole drive and 1/2 the day!
When it let up, we went out to play!
Here is the sled that Daddy and Auntie Nee used when they were little.
Pap Pap had it in the garage and pulled it out for me.
Pap Pap pulled me up and down the driveway.
It was lots of fun except for a couple tumbles and a face plant in the snow.
Thanks for the fun rides, Pap Pap!
Here's my very first snowman!
Grandmum said the snow wasn't wet enough when she was building the bottom, 
but Pap Pap said it he would make it work!
So, it looks more like a snow-mountain...
Thanks for my snowman and snowballs (and my baggies), Grandmum!

GO STEELERS! On to the Super Bowl!

The Terrible Toddler!
(Daddy's suggestion for my new alterego)
I love my Terrible Towel Cape!
Cheering from my favorite spot!
Go Steelers!
I wore myself out cheering! and passed out on Mommy!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

This was the only time that I sat still... During dinner...
I got to sit at the same table as Cousin Evie, Uncle Kris, Aunt Sarah, and Granny and Grandpa.  Oh yeah, Mommy and Daddy were there too...
I had great fun smiling and making faces at them all!
Here's cousin Evie sharing one of my wagon wheels...  Isn't she a cutie?
And, the cheesy grin returns!
I'm trying to show off all the new teeth I've got up top now...
4 more pushing through up top, bringing the grand total to 6 now!

Uncle Will & Aunt Shina's Wedding

I made the rounds at Uncle Will & Aunt Shina's wedding, just like at Auntie Nee & Uncle Marshall's, so Mommy didn't get to many pics of me while I was working the room.
But, here are a few that she did snap.
I had great fun with Grandpa all weekend.
What's this medal for, Grandpa?
And, this one?
Big grins for Grandpa and Cousin Haleigh!
Here I am with Aunt Shina.  Isn't she gorgeous?  I loved playing with her earrings.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My First Maryland Basketball Game

Daddy and Mommy took me to my first basketball game.
This was the view from where we sat for the 2nd half.
I wonder if we'll win this one or Maryland will have a typical loss...
They're looking good!  This could be fun!
Crazy Daddy smile... And, Mommy blinding me with the camera, as usual...
Silly pose with Mommy...

My First Christmas

We've been on the move and Mommy's had trouble with the blog uploading, so we'll have a few catch-up posts..

Well, as you can see from this picture, I wasn't feeling so hot for my first Christmas: (
I started Christmas week with the croup, moved on to pneumonitis and then to an ear infection.
I was running a fever off and on the whole time and Christmas Eve was the worst!
All I wanted to do was cuddle with 
Mommy, Daddy, Grandmum, Pap Pap, Auntie Nee or Uncle Marshall!
I got to sleep Christmas Eve on Grandmum for most of the night and then Mommy the rest.
Special big hugs and thanks to Grandmum for taking such good care of me 
and letting Mommy and Daddy sleep!
I did make it to church with everyone and got dressed up, but I wasn't too happy about it as you can see from this picture.  This was just after church.
Thankfully, I rallied for a few hours Christmas morning to open some presents! 
This is my new fire truck from Auntie Nee and Uncle Marshall.  
I knew how to ride it right away.