Sunday, September 28, 2008

Granny Kim is Visiting!

Granny came to visit and is staying to watch me since my daycare is at 1/2-days this week.
We're having lots of fun together!
Check out that flexibility!

This is my Captain Morgan pose!

I took a break from Granny playtime to attack Daddy when he got home from work...

Then, I took on Mommy at bathtime!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Helping with Presents

Auntie Nee gave me the ribbons from her presents.

They were lots of fun to play with!

Cousin Kim & Lee wrapped their present in crinkly, fun paper...

Still having fun with the paper and ribbons!

Wrastlin' with the paper!
It's so fun being me!

Wedding - Part 2

Posing with Auntie Nee... Isn't she gorgeous?!

Chillin' with Uncle Marshall...

Auntie Nee's tickling my tootsies!

About to chomp on Daddy's ear...

Almost crawling...

Auntie Nee & Uncle Marshall's Wedding - Part 1

A quick pose with Mommy before the service starts...

Here I am with Daddy after the service, but I'm distracted by the pretty windows...

Here I am, sans bowtie... Aren't I sharp?

Here I am with Aunt Michele at the ceremony...

One more with Mommy...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

UMD womps Cal (except for a scare in the 4th quarter, of course)

With Mommy back at work and Daddy on travel last week, not many pics were taken.  So, we're jumping from one MD game to the next...  Mommy promises to try to be better about new pics!

At the tailgate, Bridget was tending bar and teaching me the ropes...

We played well together and shared toys (mainly she shared with me)...

Then we got ready to head into the game.  I found the perfect spot to ride, Daddy's shoulders...
Go M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D!
(but Daddy said I was too heavy so Mommy carried me instead.
Mommy said Daddy's a wuss!)

This was at one of my better moments with Mommy.  We had some cranky times sitting in the sun and heat, but Daddy took me at halftime into the shade, and I felt better.

Here's the handsome stud that made the Jumbo-tron!
(me, not Daddy)
But, we don't know if it made ESPN...  Did anybody see me?
It was right after a touchdown with about 6:20 left in the 4th quarter...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Maryland Game

So, I was all set to cheer on Maryland on Saturday night...
 I was wearing my team gear and chillin' with my turtle...

I watched attentively!... 
And, they were AWFUL!!

So, Daddy and I provided our own entertainment and had a wrastlin' match!
First, I got him with my "fish hook"!

Later, as I jumped from the "ropes," he dodged me and turned it into a "body slam"...
But, just as all seemed lost (as it actually was with the Terps)...

I used my amazing strength and a good bit of slobber to escape his hold, flip him, and pin him for the count!
And the winner is...
Double D!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Friday!

Yesterday we got another package from Granny!  A friend made this hoodie blanket for me, which I like and is very soft.

Granny also sent me this book, "Go Dog Go".  I really like it!

I've been making funny faces for Mommy 
while I've been talking and figuring out what sounds I can make.

This is my face for "M" and "B" sounds...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I wasn't sure about the orange stuff at first...

Then, I thought it might be not so bad...

Then, I wanted more...

The final verdict... Carrots are yummy!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My First Terps Tailgate & Game

Sporting my Terps gear and chilling with Daddy at the tailgate.

Rubbing Testudo for Luck!
(Mommy says we need all the help we can get!)

Bridget and I supervising our daddies' fun.

The new tailgating crew! The kids outnumber the daddies now!
Playing with my toy at the game, since the game was BORING!

Fun at Grandmum & PapPaps

I decided to start sitting up by myself at Grandmum & PapPap's.

And, it was great fun throwing myself backward onto Grandmum!  
Good thing she was there to catch me!

Then I decided to practice bug-splatting on Grandmum's back window, after finger painting with slobbery fingers.  Grandmum even said she'd leave my artwork there for a while.

I'm trying to get Mommy through the door.

Grandmum shared a rootbeer popsicle with me. 
It was so yummy that I ate it all!

1st Day @ Daycare

They tried to get me to nap, but I wasn't having it.

I just realized that Mommy was there to get me!

I wore myself out playing with my new friends.  I was asleep before we got home (7 minutes door-to-door).

Playing with Mommy after daycare.