Monday, December 15, 2008

Dominic Loves Christmas (and it isn't even here yet!)

Here is one of my famous cheesy early morning grins! 
I love waking up and playing with Mommy and Daddy!
Here I am in my first big boy jammies.
This is one of my favorite ornaments to pull off the tree.
Align Center
Here I am box-surfing on some of the Christmas packages we got.
I love the pearls too!  This is why Mommy has to redress the tree every night after I go to bed!

Uncle Will's Army Commissioning and College Graduation

Mommy and I were supposed to go visit Daddy in Phoenix over the weekend for his work trip.  But, when Granny and Grandpa were driving down for Uncle Will's Army commissioning and graduation ceremonies, they hit a patch of black ice and were in a car accident.  They were pretty banged up and had to stay in Kansas for a while and couldn't make it to Uncle Will's ceremonies.  So, Mommy and I decided to change our plans and go down to support Uncle Will.  Here are some pics from the ceremonies.

Here we are with 2LT William Webster (aka Uncle Will)

And here I am with Uncle Will the next day at his graduation from Georgia Southern (Mommy and Aunt Sarah's alma mater also).  I'm making the crazy face because it was so windy!
Uncle Will doing a pretty good job of juggling both niece and nephew!
We're so proud of you, Uncle Will!
We can't wait for your wedding in 19 days!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Tree Decorating

First off, Mommy wants to apologize to everyone for slacking on the posts!  She has let herself get caught up in unimportant things like work and laundry and cleaning (no laughing, Daddy!), and other VERY IMPORTANT things like playing with me and feeding me and holding me and chasing my very fast self around!
So, she will hopefully be catching you up on me with this post and a few more to follow in quick succession.

The tradition in Mommy's family is to decorate for Christmas on Thanksgiving weekend.
So, that's what we did this year.
Here's the finished product... Mommy went a bit nuts with the lights, adding 1050 to the tree, but I LIKE it!

Here I am picking out the ornaments and ribbon to put up.

This is FUN!  And, yes, of course, that's football on in the background.  The icing on the cake of the day was a great Steelers Victory!

My favorite part was hanging the pearl strands!

Mommy said I was a BIG HELP!
Mommy also wants to apologize for her bum clothes, she was crawling all around and under the tree and didn't want to get nice clothes dirty!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm Standing Up Now!

First, I learned how to reach up to tall things and pull up to my knees...

And, I used shorter things to stand up...

I do get frustrated, since I don't always know how to get down, and I've fallen enough times now to know that it hurts and I don't want to fall!

But, it's so much fun to stand up on everything!

Now, I'm cruising and there's no stopping me!
Watch out, world!  Here I come!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Growing up so Fast!

Mommy got me my first toothbrush!  It's electric and quite fun.  It has a gum massager that I'm quite fond of...  Another step toward being a big boy!

I have been crawling/scooting everywhere and last week decided that standing on my own was the thing to do.  This week I've been trying to let go of things... 
So, Mommy thought we'd try something that would move with me.
Meet Charming Charles (named for Granny's lion).

And, here we are leaving Mommy in the dust already!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

GO STEELERS! Terrible Towel Wave!

This is a special shout out to my fellow Steelers fans!
Beat the 'Skins! (sorry, Uncle Marshall, but we're gonna womp you)

Friday, October 31, 2008


Here I am (the horsey) leading the costume parade to trick-or-treat at daycare.  Followed by the other Dominic (the little devil) and Shaun (the chili pepper).

Here are the twins, Yoda and Chewbaca.

I was having fun!

Here we are with our mommies.

I'm galloping around now.  I haven't been sharing that with Mommy and Daddy, but I've been practicing my big boy crawling at daycare!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Punkin Pickin'

As you all know by now, this is one of my favorite spots!
So, of course, I needed a pic on Daddy's shoulders.
(he's holding my hands so I don't give him the usual wet willies!)

Here I am with Mommy in the hay!

We were covered in it after our impromptu photo shoot.

I was smiling up at Daddy for this pic.

Daddy let me taste some of the hay, when Mommy wasn't looking!



Mommy says I get to be on top of the pile, since I'm her favorite punkin'!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Latest Adventures

We went to one of Daddy's soccer games (which they one 7-1 and Daddy scored a goal and had at least one assist... shout out to Daddy!).  Mommy and I decided to pose for a self-portrait.

Here I am being silly somewhere in between jammies and play-clothes... 
Do your ears hang low?

I've been to the playground a few times now.
The swings are definitely my favorite thing!
See, I'm holding on with both hands, Grandmum!

I've been busy low-crawling/scooting around and am getting faster every day.
I was chasing Grandmum so fast that I lost my britches!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Steelers Country

I love you, Bridget!
But, I'm a Steelers guy all the way!

Even down to my cool kicks!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More Neat Aquarium Picks

These turtles came over to say hi...

I had fun practicing leg lifts when I got excited about different things.  
My abs were much stronger by the end of the day!

We named this one "Jaba the Frog".

I even gave Mommy her first chance to snap a pick of my very own first chompers!
My doc says I'm already working on a matching set up top!

This is the froggie that Granny got for me.  It ribbits and everything!

The Baltimore Aquarium

My Granny loves all animals, so we had to take her to the aquarium and let her be the first to take me to see animals.  So, we took each other.  I loved the turtles and tried to jump in.  Mommy said it was a good thing she had me tied onto her!

Sometimes it was more interesting to watch the people...

Granny and I had fun in the rainforest with the monkeys and crazy birds!

The dolphins are really cool!

The aquarium wore me out!  But, I waited to fall asleep until we had seen everything and were going back to get my stroller.  I made sure I didn't miss a thing!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Granny Kim is Visiting!

Granny came to visit and is staying to watch me since my daycare is at 1/2-days this week.
We're having lots of fun together!
Check out that flexibility!

This is my Captain Morgan pose!

I took a break from Granny playtime to attack Daddy when he got home from work...

Then, I took on Mommy at bathtime!